Our aims and vision

Art and culture

The associations are the promotion of art and culture, the cultural exchange, cultural education and projects of cultural youth work. To this end, the association initiates and organizes projects together with partners from the Landsberg region and internationally with foreign cultural organizations.

Local activities and focus in Bavaria

The main focus of the local projects in Bavaria, in the district Landsberg am Lech and Berlin, are visual art with new media, film and photography and the work with fugitives.

International focus

The international focus is currently in Turkey, Iraq and Afghanistan. The focus is on the development of a coordination center and a proffesional organizational structure for the sustainable implementation of “Social Circus in crisis and war zones” and the promotion of working materials, training and experience of “Circus Effect“.

  • Her Yerde Sanat Derneği (Art Anywhere Association), Turkey
  • Mobile Mini-Circus for Children (MMCC), Afghanistan
  • Afghan Educational Children’s Circus (AECC), Afghanistan
  • Die Stelzer – Theatre on Stilts, Germany
  • Nomadways, Paris, France
  • Goethe-Institut, Turkey
  • NGO Multicultural Ukraine MKUA, Ukraine
  • Fundación Escuela de Solidaridad, Spain

Memorial culture of modern and recent history

A special concern is the development of new forms and ways of commemoration, especially the history of the 20th century.

The effects and aftermath of the violence of the nationalsoialists are very close for us in Landsberg am Lech. Here, in the city of youth, as the National Socialists called it, the history is uniquely focused. Thus, the place has a special responsibility for artistic and cultural activities.

For this reason, we are initiating, researching and developing new forms of discussion. Our methods and methods of work are cultural and artistic techniques.
We want to make the story comprehensible and accessible to young generations. First of all, this requires the knowledge that requires preservation and can make a remembrance possible.

Our projects are: