TAMAM – Making Of: The Thing with the Dry Ice

Our Fotocomic on the problem of a group of young people from different nations – with little change in the bag – to get food, has a curious resolution.

In order to make the mysterious transformation of the paper pizza from the Foodomats into a really real and edible pizza even more spectacular, we wanted to “conceal” exactly this process – namely the transformation – for the photos in steam and fog. To make the spell even clearer. To make it even more mysterious. Therefore, our consultant Conny, who works as a photographer, had the idea to work with dry ice.

Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide (CO2), which sublimates under normal pressure at -78.48 ° C, ie passes directly into the gas phase, without first melting. Dry ice is produced by depressurizing liquefied carbon dioxide under pressure. Part of the carbon dioxide vaporizes and removes the heat required for evaporation from the rest of the carbon dioxide, which cools it down. The result is so-called frozen carbonic acid snow. This is then, depending on the application, pressed into the desired shape.

The implementation of our idea was unfortunately not possible. First of all, it is obviously an art in itself to find a dry ice dealer nearby. After extensive research, our consultant Conny has made a find – in Igling. Unfortunately that did not help, we were unlucky. Exactly in our project period, the entire southern Germany area was affected by delivery problems with dry ice. The reason: Suppliers had problems with the carbon dioxide. We could have gone to Hamburg, because in northern Germany these problems did not exist – but of course this is somewhat absurd for the transport of dry ice.

So, with a heavy heart, we said goodbye to our idea of ​​making pizza disappear in mysterious steam. Nevertheless: Our Fotocomic has become so great – a funny story with a surreal end. Even without dry ice, fog and steam.

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