The culture containers have moved to Augsburg!

The culture containers have moved to Augsburg!

At the Bahnpark, theKunstBauStelle is developing a cultural quarter for the Hochfeld district.

Landsberg/Augsburg: Like railway carriages, four black and white containers now stand in front of the Bahnpark. “Not to be moved, but to bring movement into the district,” says Wolfgang Hauck, initiator of the project.


The cultural association dieKunstBauStelle from Landsberg am Lech has expanded its activities to Augsburg after starting in Landsberg in 2014 with 35 socio-cultural projects. The association had to give up its premises in Landsberg in 2022 and subsequently developed decentralised cultural work with mobile “cultural stations” in converted construction containers in the district.
Various projects have already been successfully realised in the Bahnpark Augsburg, such as the participation format “Future Workshop Bahnpark”, the dialogue format “Table of Generations” and a Europe Day for young people on the subject of travelling with Interrail.

The focus of the new project is the district of Augsburg-Hochfeld, officially “Planning Area IX”, which is dominated by an industrial wasteland of the railway operating area. In the centre lies the Augsburg Railway Park, which aims to establish itself as a place of learning for European cultural and technical history with its collection of locomotives.

The idea behind the project is to bring life and culture to the district. Cultural events such as concerts, readings and exhibitions are to take place, and a place to come together is to be created.

In the coming months, various activities are now to take place with the Kultainers. “The Bahnpark is to be developed into a cultural quarter in the Hochfeld district. We want to offer the residents a place to meet and exchange ideas,” says Markus Hehl, managing director of the Bahnpark. “This will enable us, together with the association dieKunstBauStelle, to provide impetus and realise ideas as a sponsor and actor for cultural life in the urban area,” Hehl continues.

Photo: Daniel Rössner:
From left to right: Heinz Hohn, Wolfgang Hauck and Markus Hehl are happy about the opening of the Bahnpark Augsburg with the Kultainers.

At this new location, the association can act as a coordinator, mediator and actor to bundle the cooperation and participation of different actors. “There is magic in every beginning. This can be experienced here in the Bahnpark. What is still perceived as an abandoned industrial wasteland can soon become a new attractive quarter in Augsburg, with the Bahnpark at its centre,” emphasises Wolfgang Hauck, chairman of the dieKunstBauStelle association.

The project started on 2 March 2023 with the arrival of the Kultainer. The cultural association dieKunstBauStelle has been active internationally as a non-profit organisation since 2014. With the project “Planungsraum IX”, dieKunstBauStelle is sending a clear signal for the promotion of culture and networking in the Augsburg-Hochfeld district. The support of the Fonds Soziokultur shows that the work of the association is valued and receives nationwide recognition. Three publications of federal funding have just appeared in which five of the association’s projects are presented as prime examples.

Information and contact:

Press release 3.3.2023 Landsberg as PDF

Press release 3.3.2023 Augsburg as PDF

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Photo 1 and 2 Wolfgang Hauck: The Kultainers form a quarter in the Augsburg railway park
Photo 2 Daniel Rössner: Heinz Hohn, Wolfgang Hauck, Markus Hehl. The forecourt of the Bahnpark with the Kultainers is transformed into a cultural quarter for the Hochfeld district. Railway Park Augsburg


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