Time Travel Europe – Discover Europe

Time Travel Europe – Discover Europe


Saturday, December 3, Augsburg Railway Park

Logo Bahnpark Augsburg

Augsburg: Discovering Europe by train is a symbol of freedom in the past as it is today. The association dieKunstBauStelle and the Bahnpark Augsburg invite you on Saturday to an encounter in the European Year of Youth 2022.

Many know Interrail as a symbol of the first experience of freedom of travel and spontaneous being on the road. It is a challenge to see how little one can get by in order to travel through Europe for weeks or months. The experiences, encounters, and lessons learned continue to have an impact well into old age, and for many young people, Interrail is the dream of starting out on their own. For 50 years, Interrail has been the symbol of a roller coaster ride in life.

Now 40 people from Augsburg are invited to report themselves or to hear about other experiences. There will be insider tips, you will hear about dramas, tragedies and moments of happiness, and the endless feeling of freedom. An offer for young adults and seniors.

On Saturday, December 3, the European Journey begins at 2:00 pm with workshops and a “living library”.

In the evening there is an Open Stage, which ends with a raffle.

The prizes speak for themselves:

  • 6 x Interrail passes
  • 4 x rides on the historic steam locomotive
  • 10 x shopping vouchers for Augsburg.

It is definitely worth it.

The number of participants is limited to 40. Therefore, registration is required: bahnpark@diekunstbaustelle.de


The meeting is financed by the European Union within the framework of “European Year of Youth 2022”. The project “Time Travel Europe” is supported by Interrail and Bahnpark Augsburg.

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