The Labyrinth – 100 years of Hitler’s imprisonment – 1924-2024

Das Labyrinth – 100 Jahre Hitlers Festungshaft


The Labyrinth – 100 years of Hitler’s imprisonment – 1924-2024

INSTALLATION AND EXHIBITION : August 18 to October 12, 2024
FOCUS: Culture of remembrance
PROJECT PROPERTY: The Labyrinth – Raim & Hauck GbR
LOCATION: Landsberg am Lech, Waitzinger Wiese
TIME FRAME: January to October 2024
FUNDING: Kulturfonds Bayern, Heinz-Heinrich-Martin-Stifung, Sparkassenstiftung Landsberg am Lech, City of Landsberg am Lech, German Foundation for Commitment and Volunteering (DSEE)


With this project, we want to increase the visibility of voluntary historical work. We are participating in the project as a cooperation partner. Together with “Das Labyrinth” we are setting up an installation with interactive elements for a period of eight weeks. In this way, we want to attract young people, adults and senior citizens to participate in our projects and promote civic engagement in remembrance work.


“The Labyrinth – 100 years of Hitler’s imprisonment – 1924-2024” is an artistic response to a historical event: 100 years of Hitler’s imprisonment in 2024. The open-air presentation is based on historical facts and offers a contemporary, immersive and participatory approach to this event. “100 years of fortress detention” in Landsberg marks the time frame. The event location, the Festwiese in Landsberg, is only 300 meters away from the former Hitler cell and prison and reflects the local connection. The artistic realization combines historical themes and socio-cultural activities. The accessible “stage space” stands for transparency and the role of each individual in democracy. The term “labyrinth” symbolizes the complexity of politics and society. The path through the labyrinth shows that Hitler’s path was not predetermined and that the “seizure of power” in 1933 was the result of individual and collective decisions.

The historical contextualization and implementation are unique worldwide and have an impact beyond Bavaria in Germany and internationally.

A wide range of participatory activities complement the “stage space” of world history during the opening period from mid-August to mid-October 2024. New aspects and incentives for visiting and expanding the installation are provided on an ongoing basis, including video recordings of visitors, discussions and readings.

This installation on 10,000 square meters is a performative theater production in which “the labyrinth” as a walk-in stage space symbolically depicts the political and historical framework and makes it possible to experience it interactively. Unlike in a play, the actors who left this stage a long time ago are missing. The consequences were catastrophic for world history. After 100 years, the exhibition invites visitors to step onto this “world stage” once again. It opens up numerous opportunities for political and historical education, artistic reflection and social participation.


The project aims to present and promote new formats of remembrance culture. It aims to involve actors in the culture of remembrance, especially young people and senior citizens, in a direct and participatory way in order to strengthen participation in collective remembrance.

We are developing an exhibition installation that offers all population groups the opportunity to work artistically and engage with the local history of National Socialism. Students lead guided tours to develop their skills in teaching history.

The exhibition in the public space is intended to raise awareness of the importance of local contemporary history. With the history installation, we want to show that a culture of remembrance can be more than just a repetition of historical events and that participation in a culture of remembrance is possible.


  1. Between July and September 2024 elaborate we with Young people, Historians, media designers and Volunteers one Exhibition with audiovisual Materials.
  2. We visualize and install historical facts. Surveys to the Topic reflect and document the current Level of knowledge. This should the Demand and the Opportunities and Deficits the Culture of remembrance to the Discussion and Reflection stimulate.
  3. We schools Teenagers and Volunteers as Exhibition guide, to Target group specific Guided tours offer.
  4. The Exhibition finds on the public Parking lot Waitzinger Meadow in Landsberg on Lech instead of. You is for all reachable, free of charge and low-threshold accessible.
  5. Press dates, Lectures and a Supporting program should the The public in the Dialog integrate and activate.


Landsberg am Lech, Waitzinger Wiese


From August 18 to October 13, 2024

Opening hours: Daily 10 am to 7 pm


Project idea, concept and management: Wolfgang Hauck
Concept: Wolfgang Hauck, Dr. Edith Raim
Scientific support: Dr. Edith Raim


11.11.2023 Landsberger Tagblatt: Thomas WunderMemory of 100 years of imprisonment in a fortress



The Labyrinth – Raim & Hauck GbR



Heinz Heinrich Martin Foundation


Promotion of text and guided tours in plain language
German Foundationng for Commitment and Volunteering (DSEE)


STATUS 15.7..2024

The project is being prepared.


In Portfolios