Türkenmariandl yesterday


Türkenmariandl yesterday

DURATION: 1.3.2015 to 1.7.2015
FOCUS: research, reportage, documentation, photo, film, text
TEENAGERS: pupils of the transitional classes of the Mittelschule Landsberg
LOCATION: Landsberg am Lech


Photo-writing workshop, March 2015
Media Workshop, April 2015
Exhibition Workshop, May / June 2015


The participants come from Romania, Afghanistan, Poland, Italy, Latvia, and Africa. Fourteen young people from the Mittelschule Landsberg Ost between 14 and 18 years are currently working on migration histories. They are discovering experiences in the past and their very own life situations within the framework of the “Türkenmariandl yesterday” project. Young people with their parents, who haven’t been in Germany for even a year, are given an insight into particular features of everyday German life.

The extracurricular project is part of the cultural education work of the Landsberger Kulturverein «kunstBauStelle e.V.». The project was carried out together with the Bündnerispartner, the Mittelschule Landsberg and the Landsberg Tagblatt. In the first part of the “Turks Day”, young people followed the stories of foreign restaurateurs in Landsberg and presented these stories in exhibitions.

Afterward, professionals from the fields of journalism, radio, and photography directed the young people to deal with the topic of migration and to capture their discoveries in words, images, and sound.

Even if it is currently topical: “Migration is nothing new but has become the norm. Depending on how far you go back in a family’s history, you almost always encounter different migrations”, explains Wolfgang Hauck, Chairman of the Board of the KunstBauStelle.
Through media work, young people have gained self-confidence, feel integrated, learn to deal with their experiences and emotions in an artistic and journalistic way, and thereby improve their German language skills.

In May and June 2015 the results were shown at an audiovisual exhibition in Landsberg.


Conny Kurz
Wolfgang Hauck
Andrea Schmelzle


Lida, Mitra, Enija, Katharina, Marcelle, Chiara, Joana, Simeon, Wiktoria, Jamshid, Jalda, Irina-Andreea und andere.


Mittelschule Landsberg am Lech, West
Landsberger Tagblatt, Redaktion


“The project” Turqmariandl “is supported by the program” MeinLand – Time for the Future of the Turkish Community in Germany “within the framework of the Federal Program” Culture “. Alliances for the formation of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. ”

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The project section was successfully completed in 2015

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