Mobility in the 21st century

Turboranzen, Teleporter and Zendusonakan


TITLE: Türkenmariandl 2019-2020
WORK TITEL: Mobility in the 21st century
DURATION: 1.12.2018 to 31.10.2020
FOCUS: Research, report, documentation, photo, film, text
TEENAGERS: Class 7 pupils from the Mittelschule Landsberg am Lech
LOCATION: Landsberg am Lech
IDEA: Wolfgang Hauck, Christian Karlstetter

Exhibition 7.9. till 7. October 2019

Aula, Mittelschule Landsberg am Lech

Opening hours: Monday 23.9., 30.9. and 7.10. from 6 pm – 8 pm.
Registration is required as the house is normally locked at this time.


Free entrance

Survey Landsberg am Lech 2019
The survey is in German:


Media Workshop 2018/2019
Photo-writing workshop 2019/2020
Exhibition Workshop 2019/2020

What begins with simple sketches can lead to great developments.

As part of a socio-cultural youth project, the exhibition “Turboranzen, Teleporter und Zendusonakan” will be shown at the Mittelschule Landsberg am Lech. The exhibition continues our project “Fliáng” from 2018 to the Landsberg aircraft engineer Alois Wolfmüller.

Not without current reason the topic of traffic was the focus of this project. After all, Landsberg needs to develop a traffic concept for the future. This involves major technical, planning and political challenges. That was a consideration at work.

Other questions that the pupils asked themselves were, for example How will the technical possibilities change, how do we want to and should we travel? In order to look beyond everyday life into the future, the pupils of the Mittelschule Landsberg were called upon to present their visions, ideas, assumptions and wishes in drawings, drafts, models and texts.

In the school year 2018/2019, many innovative and trend-setting suggestions arose from the work of the seventh classes. Together with the pupils, their ideas were further developed and the first prototypes were developed.

What may sound utopian or unbelievable to some – who knows what will become reality in 2050! Therefore, if you are not familiar with the physical possibilities of using the gravitational waves that have just been proven, you should not prematurely consider a “turborance” to be impossible.

Within the framework of our multi-year program “Türkenmariandl” different topics like the historical and current migration, the “wanting to be on the road” and the “having to be on the road” are in the focus. It’s about the changes, the people, their stories and experiences, but also about visions, about outlooks and insights into the world we live in.

The programme was first initiated by the Kulturverein dieKunstBauStelle 2014 under the direction of Wolfgang Hauck and has since been implemented as an alliance with the Mittelschule Landsberg am Lech and the Landsberger Tagblatt.

Mittelschule Landsberg, opening September 17th, 2019


Wolfgang Hauck


Andrea Schmelzle
Conny Kurz
Susanne Zehentbauer
Harry Zehentbauer
Wolfgang Hauck

«The ‘Türkenmariandl’ project is supported by the “MeinLand – Zeit für Zukunft” programme of the Turkish community in Germany as part of the Federal Culture Makes Strong programme. Alliances for Education of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.»

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